/usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/programs/xearth.desktop is in kdm 4:4.11.13-2.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 | [KDE Desktop Program]
Comment=XEarth by Kirk Johnson
Comment[af]=XEarth deur Kirk Johnson
Comment[ar]=الارض المجهولة إعداد Kirk Johnson
Comment[ast]=XEarth por Kirk Johnson
Comment[be]=Зямля (Kirk Johnson)
Comment[be@latin]=XEarth (aŭtar Kirk Johnson)
Comment[bn]=কার্ক জনসন-এর এক্স-আর্থ
Comment[bn_IN]=কার্ক জনসন দ্বারা নির্মিত XEarth
Comment[br]=XEarth gant Kirk Johnson
Comment[bs]=Iks‑zemlja Kirka Džonsona
Comment[ca]=XEarth per Kirk Johnson
Comment[ca@valencia]=XEarth per Kirk Johnson
Comment[cs]=XEarth (Kirk Johnson)
Comment[csb]=XEarth by Kirk Johnson
Comment[cy]=XEarth gan Kirk Johnson
Comment[da]=XEarth af Kirk Johnson
Comment[de]=XEarth von Kirk Johnson
Comment[el]=XEarth από Kirk Johnson
Comment[en_GB]=XEarth by Kirk Johnson
Comment[eo]=XTero de Kirk Johnson
Comment[es]=XEarth por Kirk Johnson
Comment[et]=XEarth (Kirk Johnson)
Comment[eu]=XEarth, Kirk Johnson-ena
Comment[fi]=XEarth, tekijä Kirk Johnson
Comment[fr]=« XEarth » par Kirk Johnson
Comment[fy]=XEarth troch Kirk Johnson
Comment[ga]=XEarth le Kirk Johnson
Comment[gl]=XEarth por Kirk Johnson
Comment[gu]=XEarth કિર્ક જ્હોન્સન વડે
Comment[he]=XEarth על־ידי Kirk Johnson
Comment[hi]=किर्क जॉनसन द्वारा एक्स-अर्थ
Comment[hne]=किर्क जानसन के एक्सअर्थ
Comment[hr]=XEarth (izr. Kirka Johnsona)
Comment[hsb]=XEarth by Kirk Johnson
Comment[hu]=XEarth (készítette: Kirk Johnson)
Comment[ia]=XEarth per Kirk Johnson
Comment[id]=XEarth oleh Kirk Johnson
Comment[is]=XEarth eftir Kirk Johnson
Comment[it]=XEarth di Kirk Johnson
Comment[ja]=Kirk Johnson による XEarth
Comment[ka]=Xდედამიწა (Kirk Johnson)
Comment[kk]=XEarth (Кирк Джонсонның)
Comment[km]=XEarth ដោយ Kirk Johnson
Comment[kn]=ಕರ್ಕ್ ಜಾನ್ಸನ್ ನಿಂದ ಕ್ಸ ಅರ್ತ್
Comment[ko]=Kirk Johnson의 XEarth
Comment[ku]=XEarth ji Kirk Johnson
Comment[lt]=Kirk Johnson'o XEarth
Comment[lv]=XEarth, Kirk Johnson
Comment[mai]=XEarth द्वारा Kirk Johnson
Comment[mk]=X-Земја од Kirk Johnson
Comment[ml]=കിര്ക് ജോണ്സണിന്റെ എക്സ്ഭൂമി
Comment[mr]='एक्सअर्थ' बाय कीर्क जॉनसन
Comment[nb]=XEarth av Kirk Johnson
Comment[nds]=XEer vun Kirk Johnson
Comment[nl]=XEarth, door Kirk Johnson
Comment[nn]=XEarth av Kirk Johnson
Comment[or]=Kirk Johnson ଦ୍ୱାରା XEarth
Comment[pl]=XEarth przez Kirk Johnson
Comment[pt]=XEarth de Kirk Johnson
Comment[pt_BR]=XEarth por Kirk Johnson
Comment[ro]=XEarth de Kirk Johnson
Comment[ru]=XEarth (Kirk Johnson)
Comment[si]=Kirk Johnson විසින් Xපොළොව
Comment[sk]=XEarth (Kirk Johnson)
Comment[sl]=XEarth avtorja Kirka Johnsona
Comment[sr]=Икс‑земља Кирка Џонсона
Comment[sr@ijekavian]=Икс‑земља Кирка Џонсона
Comment[sr@ijekavianlatin]=X‑zemlja Kirka Džonsona
Comment[sr@latin]=X‑zemlja Kirka Džonsona
Comment[sv]=Xearth av Kirk Johnson
Comment[ta]=XEarth by Kirk Johnson
Comment[te]=XEarth by Kirk Johnson
Comment[tg]=Мавзӯъи XEarth (Kirk Johnson)
Comment[th]=XEarth โดย Kirk Johnson
Comment[tr]=Kirk Johnson tarafından oluşturulan XEarth
Comment[ug]=XEarth، ئاپتورى Kirk Johnson
Comment[uk]=XEarth Кірка Джонсона
Comment[uz]=XEarth (Kirik Jonson tomonidan)
Comment[uz@cyrillic]=XEarth (Кирик Жонсон томонидан)
Comment[vi]=Trái Đất X bởi Kirk Johnson
Comment[wa]=XDaegne pal Kirk Johnson
Comment[xh]=XEarth ngu Kirk Johnson
Comment[x-test]=xxXEarth by Kirk Johnsonxx
Comment[zh_CN]=X 地球,作者 Kirk Johnson
Comment[zh_TW]=X 地球(by Kirk Johnson)
Command=xearth -size %x,%y -ppm > %f
PreviewCommand=xearth -size %x,%y -nomarkers -ppm > %f